Eat, Sleep, Revise, Repeat...

Posted 1 month ago

Smart Study Tips

Exams may be boring, they may fill you with dread... but the fact is, you're at Uni and they have to be done.

Take the stress out of the whole process by following our tips on being prepared.

  • Drink plenty of water, eat well, and get plenty of sleep. If you're feeling stressed, take regular study breaks, and draw up a plan so that you can be confident you'll be covering everything you need to.
  • Study in groups - it helps test what you really know, and it makes you feel better to know you're not alone!
  • Whilst it's always handy to refresh your knowledge right before the exam, you'll want to feel prepared well in advance of the big day!
  • Incentivise your studying - it will make the whole thing seem worth it. You'll have a lot to celebrate if you do as well as you think you deserve!

Good luck!