Making the most of the brighter days

Posted 1 month ago

Tips to boost your productivity

Now that it's starting to get lighter, it's time to shake off the winter slump and make the most of those extra hours of daylight. Here's how you can make these longer days more productive.

First things first, you need to assess how you are spending your time and then you can set realistic goals, like...

Start your days earlier

Now that the mornings are brighter, try waking up a little earlier to get a head start on your day. Even 30 minutes earlier will make a difference! 

Create a dedicated study schedule 

Set specific time blocks for studying and stick to them.

a woman holding a cell phone

Fuel your brain

Keep yourself energised with healthy snacks, water, and regular meals. 

Get moving

Whether it’s going for a jog, joining a sports club, or just taking a stroll with friends, exercise can boost your energy which can improve your focus when studying. 

a person walking down a sidewalk next to a tree

Plan social time 

Longer days mean you can spend more quality time with your friends. Plan a picnic, go for a coffee or cook together. 

We hope these tips help boost your productivity - for more tips check out the video below👇