University Shuttle Bus Service

Posted 1 month ago

This service is free for residents staying in accommodation

Our regular term-time bus service between The Village and the University of Leicester Campus, via Brookfield School of Business (and Stoughton Road Playing Fields on Wednesday afternoons) is the University Shuttle Bus, run directly by the University and operated by Centrebus.

Using this service is free for residents staying in accommodation for the duration of your contract, you won't need to purchase a bus pass.

Bus timetable

Our University Shuttle Bus runs from the University to The Village accommodation, Monday to Saturday. The service only operates during term-time. Take a look at the timetable for more information. Please note that the bus timetable will vary throughout the year and is subject to change, as described in our University Shuttle Bus Policy.

Download the latest bus timetable:

Bus Timetable.pdf
179.46 KB

You can also download the Centrebus Bus Tracker app to get real-time information on when the next bus is due and service updates.

©University of Leicester

Using your bus pass

Your student ID card is used as your free bus pass, so there’s no additional paper pass. All you have to do is show your student ID card to the bus driver to prove that you are a University of Leicester student. It's that simple!