Posted 7 months ago
Mon 12 Aug, 2024 09:08 AM
· Accessibility: The quality of being easily reached, entered, or used by people with disabilities. This includes physical spaces, digital environments, and services.
· Ableism: Discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities, based on the belief that typical abilities are superior.
· Accommodations: Adjustments or modifications provided to enable people with disabilities to take part fully in academic, work, and social environments. This can include physical adjustments, assistive technology, and alternative formats.
The AccessAbility Centre
The AccessAbility Centre works with students who have visual impairments, deafness, physical disabilities, mental health concerns, long-term health conditions, and autism; as well as providing help and guidance for dyslexia or other specific learning difficulties.
Services Provided by the Centre Include:
· Specialist support and study tuition
· Recommendations on alternate exam arrangements
· Accommodation support/subsidies
· A peaceful space to work or rest
The Centre is often used by disabled students since it offers a peaceful setting for studying and unwinding. There are seven PCs, desks, and a printer/scanner/copier. Only students who have an accessibility need are eligible to use these facilities. To schedule an appointment, call the team on 0116 252 5002 or email
Support for Accessibility Needs
· Students who are deaf or have hearing loss
· Students with long-term health conditions
· Students with mobility difficulties
· If you stutter or stammer
· Students who are blind or have a visual impairment
· Students with autism spectrum conditions
· Students with specific learning difficulties
The team also provides library support, help with alternative exam arrangements and access to Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) funding. For more information, visit