How to maintain a positive mindset

Posted 6 days ago

Simple ways to boost your mood

We all have life ambitions we want to achieve, but have you ever thought of 'happiness' as being one?

It may sound simple 'to be happy', but sometimes it can be hard to shake off other feelings to maintain a positive mindset. 

Seeing as International Day of Happiness is just around the corner, we've got a few life tricks to help you shake those bad feelings and improve on that all-important positive mindset. 

Here's how you can stay more positive!

1. Plan in advance

Planning fun and exciting things in advance will give you something to look forward to. Whether it's weekly or monthly, plan a coffee date with a friend, have a duvet day or go on a day trip somewhere. Having something fun planned in the diary will help you stay positive.

2. Wake up and go to sleep the same time every day

We can appreciate this may be difficult on a Sunday when you're dying for a lie in, but during the week this is something that could easily be done. This will regulate your body clock making you feel more energised and will enhance your ability to focused - sounds good right?

3. Spread some positivity 

When you do something good for someone your brain produces hormones that makes it easier to build relationships, and in general, sends positive feelings all around. Kindness is contagious and making someone else feel good will make you feel good too!

4. "Fall seven times and stand up eight"

When something knocks your confidence, it can feel like shots are being fired from all angles and everything and everyone is against you. Build yourself back up, learn from your mistakes and come back fighting, resilience is key when you come to uni - you've got this.

5. You do you

Do things that make YOU happy. If someone asks you to do something or asks for help that makes you feel anxious, it's ok to say no. Sometimes it necessary to put your own feelings before others, you don't want to be doing things that heighten your anxiety, so you do you.

6. Set yourself goals

Don't put yourself off difficult tasks, think of them more as a challenge and complete them first (it always helps if there's a chocolate bar waiting for you once you finish). Putting them off will just increase your stress and it will seem more daunting than it actually is.

7. Think yourself happy

It may seem like the impossible but simply trying to be happy can boost your emotional wellbeing, those who most actively try and be happy have positive minds. If you're feeling down, think happy, put on some upbeat positive music and dance around your room - go for it, no one's watching!

a close up of an envelope

International Day of Happiness is on March 20th—an opportunity to embrace positivity, focus on becoming your happiest self, and let go of negative energy. It’s the perfect time to prioritise your well-being and happiness, not just for today, but throughout the entire year. 😊